In this era of the hybrid work environment, the role of proximity bias in our day-to-day operations is having a big impact on our teams, our people, and our culture. This week, Matt Meuleners from FOCUS Training digs into what proximity bias is and how we as leaders can check our bias before it affects …
Have you ever found yourself crafting a less-than-flattering story in your mind about a driver who cuts you off in traffic? Did you speculate about their intentions or even worse, their character? What you experienced in those moments is known as attribution bias – a situation where we instinctively make assumptions or create narratives about …
The leaders we work with want to make the best possible leadership decisions for their teams and organizations. Self-aware leaders are in the habit of regularly checking their decision-making for personal biases. This week on the blog, Matt Meuleners talks about two easy tips that you can start using to check your decisions for biases. …