Strategies for Reinforcing Training Impact

  • When organizations invest in training programs, they often expect to see rapid and tangible changes in their people and culture. However, achieving sustainable progress is not always a linear process, and managing the bumps along the way is essential for success. This week on the blog, we will explore effective tips to expedite the impact of training and drive organizational change more efficiently.

Emphasize Opportunities to Practice

  • Creating lasting behavioral changes requires consistent practice and reinforcement. While the “21 days to create a new habit” rule may work for personal routines, applying it to workplace competencies and cultural shifts can be challenging. Employees may enthusiastically apply newly acquired skills immediately after training, only to revert to their old ways due to routine pressures. To combat this, provide ongoing reminders and opportunities to practice the concepts learned in training. This reinforcement approach ensures that the training becomes a sustainable behavior change over time.

Engage Leaders for Effective Translation

  • Leaders play a pivotal role in the successful implementation of training outcomes. Often, team leaders may not be fully aware of the content and objectives of the training program. To maximize the impact, it is crucial to involve leaders in the learning process. Providing them with a simple guide to the training content, along with reinforcement questions and stretch assignments allows leaders to effectively translate the concepts into day-to-day application. Engaging leaders in this way not only increases the return on investment but also fosters personal development among team leaders.

Proactively Manage the Slide

  • After witnessing initial improvements post-training, it is not uncommon to experience a dip in performance as time progresses. This “backslide” is natural as habits take intentional effort to solidify. To mitigate this, organizations must proactively manage the slide. By making the new approaches a regular part of work and ensuring employees have the necessary resources to perform their tasks effectively, organizations can sustain progress. Moreover, providing ongoing support and coaching helps maintain high morale and reinforces the importance of the newly acquired skills.
  • Accelerating organizational change through training requires a strategic approach that goes beyond the initial program implementation. Embrace the understanding that change takes time and effort to maintain, and be intentional in setting up the organization for long-term success. By employing these strategies, your organization can thrive in a culture of continuous growth, development, and adaptability.

We believe leadership matters

FOCUS Training is an interactive leadership development company that has been helping people achieve excellence through understanding and action since 1992.

531 S Water St,
Milwaukee, WI 53204